Free ads do not have to be some magical website you are looking for that will miraculously give you tons of sales. Actually there are free ads in simple every day things we do that can revolutionize your business and whatever it is that you sell for a living.
a) Comments written in Facebook.
Everybody is on Facebook. Well… almost everybody because you may be reading this article and you are one of the very few who does not have a Facebook account. Whatever your reasons you cannot afford to ignore this social networking site. But having said that it is not advisable to rush and start advertising your business on Facebook without thinking deeply about exactly what you are doing. This is a social site and folks don’t like to be advertised to. But they are human and they have problems they would like to solve. If you can find a way to right comments that solve their problems you will sell like crazy GUARANTEED!!
So here is how to do it. Let’s assume that you sell some powerful new stain remover that deals even with banana stains. Just post a comment bout your most annoying banana stain. Don’t advertise anything yet. Chances are that other people who have had stain problems will also write their experiences by making comments to your post. Wait for a few comments and if they are slow in coming call your friends and ask them to make comments. After a few comments make one of your own offering the solution. No harm in including a contact.
What you need to know is that whatever you write on Facebook is permanent. That means that done properly this free ad will still be helping you sell a year or even 10 years from now.
b) SMS message
Don’t spam people with SMS messages. Instead make contact with individual leads. Let’s say you sell some beautiful shirts for men at your small shop. Put three coins in your left pocket at the beginning of every day and make a deliberate effort to be friendly and talk to 3 strangers in the course of the day. Maybe somebody you sit next to on the commute to work in the morning. Or a guy you were on the queue with at the bank. Every time you meet a new person and get their cell phone number, shift one coin from one pocket to the other. And so by the end of the week you should have 15 prospects you can send a friendly sms to introducing your product/service. Your sms could read something like this: “Hi, John here. We met at the bank on Tues. 4got to compliment u on ur excellent taste in shirts & to tell u that I sell them for a living and want to show u some heavily discounted ones. Peter.”
c) Email message
This technique above can apply to emails as well.
d) Free sample
Free samples are the most powerful and effective free ads known to mankind. You just have to be very careful about one thing. And that is DON’T dish them out at random. This can destroy you because it will make your product look cheap and of little or no value. However if you distribute flyers that are coupons that allow the bearer to claim a free sample you will be shocked at the results. This free ad can work for some products that are very difficult to sell.
Interested in a list of other amazing Free Ads techniques and tricks you can use to boost your sales?